"We want Americans to have a variety of job opportunities. A job gives people a means of support as well as a sense of dignity. A growing economy provides jobs not only to the unemployed, but gives the employed upward mobility by allowing them to change jobs and move up the income ladder."
-- Chapter One – Diana Furchtgott-Roth
"Americans deserve a government budget that uses taxpayer dollars wisely, prioritizes properly, and doesn't create an unsupportable debt for the next generation. Americans also deserve a tax system that is easy to understand, treats people fairly, and doesn't discourage productive behaviors or impede economic growth."
-- Chapter Two – Romina Boccia
"The quality of health care in the United States is among the best in the world. We want to keep that in mind as we make changes to our health care system, so that we are careful to preserve our competitive edge in treating serious illnesses and creating new cures. But our weakness is our bloated, inefficient, and unfair payment system, which can make accessing health care unnecessarily expensive and difficult."
-- Chapter Three – Hadley Heath Manning
"Why is this conversation about the wage gap so important? At its core the faulty wage gap statistic perpetuates the myth that society and the workplace are inherently antagonistic toward women. Taken a step further, it frames women as a victim class in need of special protections from government. And these “protections” would not only grow government unnecessarily, but also backfire on women, making them more costly to employ."
-- Chapter Four – Sabrina Schaeffer
"Americans increasingly expect to be able to tailor their lives according to their unique needs and preferences. ...There is no reason that the same cannot be true in the education sector. Americans should be able to choose from a wide variety of education providers, from schools to job training programs, educational games and virtual learning opportunities, that serve people of all ages."
-- Chapter Five - Vicki Alger
""Americans want all families with young children to have access to early learning opportunities that
make sense for their unique circumstances. However there is little evidence that the best way to make
this a reality is by expanding government’s role in the provision of early education."
-- Chapter Six - Vicki Alger
"Much of the anxiety women feel is fueled by the constant drum beat of warnings that come from environmental and public health organizations who tell women that the food they eat, the household and personal care products they use, and the habits they practice threaten their health and the health of their children. These groups understand that if you get the public nervous enough, they’re more likely to acquiesce to government regulations."
-- Chapter Seven – Julie Gunlock
"We want policies that help ensure that Americans have access to reliable, affordable energy sources,
reduce dependence on foreign sources of oil—particularly on countries with interests that conflict with
ours—and protect environmental resources. The good news is, energy policy is one area where the
United States is entirely and dramatically winning and moving toward realizing that vision."
-- Chapter Eight – Jillian Melchior
"Technological innovation doesn't just happen by accident: Men and women dedicate time and often
considerable resources to developing and deploying new technologies. These investments can be
safely made because innovators trust that they will be able to bring those technologies to market,
recoup the investments that they have made, and return a profit to investors. Yet government should
consider how the policy environment in greater innovation."
-- Chapter Nine - Carrie Lukas
"...today we have a growing problem of government dependency and too many Americans who
don't believe the American Dream applies to them. This is due in part to ill-advised policies that—
though well-intentioned—have served to enable lasting reliance on government, rather than providing
temporary assistance while encouraging long-term independence."
-- Chapter Ten – Patrice J. Lee
"We want Americans to earn enough money today so that they can save for their retirement and other
future needs. That begins with a growing economy that creates jobs and rising wages. Americans also
deserve well-conceived public pension programs that are reliable, offer reasonable rates of return, and
do not unnecessarily burden taxpayers and the economy."
-- Chapter Eleven - Carrie Lukas
"Most Americans want the same thing: to live in a civil society where friendly neighborhoods flourish
and crime is low. We intuitively want the satisfaction of supporting ourselves through our own labors.
We want children to grow up in nurturing households that prepare them to become worthy adults.
We want a society that fosters kindness, civility, and industriousness. But we know this vision of a
flourishing civil society is in jeopardy."
-- Chapter Twelve - Charlotte Hays